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Campbell Lodge 3643 - Ladies Night - November 16 @ 5:30 pm at Kings Heath Masonic Hall


Our WM Mark Gibbs and his wife Lucy would love to welcome you to enjoy our traditional formal ladies night at Kings Health Masonic hall.

The evening will start at 5:30 pm.

3 course Menu to include:


Smoked Salmon Mousse, served with toasted ciabatta and beetroot chutney

(Vegetarian option, Asparagus Soup, Served with bread roll and butter)


Roast Turkey, with goose fat roast potatoes, honey glazed parsnips, pigs in blankets, apricot stuffing, seasonal vegetables and a rich turkey gravy.

(Vegetarian option, Roasted Vegetable Risotto, Peppers, red onion, mushrooms and finished with a pesto olive oil and parmesan)


Christmas Pudding, served with brandy sauce and brandy butter


Tickets are priced at £55 to include above menu, wine at the table and dancing to a great live band 'Kickstart'... plus some truly great raffle prizes to be won.

All proceeds will be going a truly great charity 'Young Lives vs Cancer', so please make every effort to attend so we can raise s much money as we can to this great charity.

Campbell ladies night is always great fun and our WM Mark Gibbs and his lovely lady wife Lucy, and of course the rest of Cambell Lodge, would love to see you all there.


Here is the booking link if you are free and can attend.



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94 Birmingham Rd, Bromsgrove B61 0DF​

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